No two people are exactly alike… and because of that, no two treatments should be, either. Be wary of one-size-fits-all solutions. They probably won’t fit so well in the long run.
My role is not to robotically implement stock changes, but rather to guide you through a proven, science-based set of principles for optimizing nutrition for yourself and your children… based on your own specific needs, challenges, history, allergies, and starting point.
That might include any (or all) of these elements:
Comprehensive health history and concerns review
Functional Diagnostic testing and analysis
Individualized dietary analysis and recommendations
One-on-one or group coaching
Vitamins, minerals, and other supplement analysis
Short- and long-term planning
How to shop better
Allergen testing
One last thing, about starting points: There is absolutely no judgment passed here. If you’ve made well-intentioned missteps with your kids’ (or your own) diets along the way, welcome to the club! That is completely normal. Parenting isn’t an exact science, and the state of the modern food supply system makes it almost impossible for the average person to know everything about each ingredient in every piece of food.
The fact that you’re actively pursuing this path now should be celebrated! Congratulations on taking the first step toward your child’s healthy future — and your own!
Q. What are some common symptoms/conditions that can be addressed functionally?
A. When the body is out of balance there is almost no limit to the ways that trouble can manifest: allergies, digestive issues, ADHD, poor sleep, hormonal dysfunction, low energy, lack of focus, academic struggles, diabetes, autism, and a whole slew of emotional and behavioral challenges. Think of your body (or your child’s body) like a house: if the foundation isn’t right, cracks can show up anywhere.
Q. What is Functional Diagnostic Nutrition?
A. Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) is a complete methodology (a way of thinking with the tools to go along with it) used to help people recover and maintain the best health possible.
FDN investigates hidden healing opportunities within the hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy, and nervous system. Clues collected by objective and subjective assessments are used to guide lifestyle recommendations, intended to coach up function in all areas of the body while coaching down contributors to Metabolic Chaos®.
For many chronic stress-related conditions, FDN is all a person needs to do to get well and stay well. For those with a serious medical condition, FDN is a proven stabilizer and well-rounded grounding program, adjunctive to the medical attention they may receive.
Q. How does the process work?
A. It all starts with a simple conversation. Via phone or video call, we’ll talk through the issues you or your child are experiencing, and I’ll provide access to online questionnaires to help paint a fuller picture of the factors involved. Based on what we find, we’ll work together to create a custom plan that includes education, detoxification, and a new way to look at nutrition.
Q. Do you offer basic health checks, too?
A. Yes, absolutely! While an FDN-based approach can work wonders with all sorts of serious ailments, taking a proactive approach to prevent illness is ideal. In fact, as the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Q. Are you a doctor?
A. No. I’m trained in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, and my role is to guide you through a proven, science-based approach to optimizing nutrition for yourself and your children. I’ll help distill relevant information into something that’s meaningful, easy to understand, and effective. No confusion. No misinformation. No time wasting.
Do you have questions? Ideas? Challenges? A delicious pancake recipe? I’d love to hear from you.