My son has always been strong and athletic.
Like his father, he has a love of basketball and the height to match. So even though there were warning signs throughout his childhood that something wasn’t quite right, doctors told me he was fine. After all, they seemed to say, just look at how tall he’s growing!
But when he was 15, Bobby started having grand mal seizures. As it turns out, not all developmental milestones are created equal. The fact that he was tall and athletic had masked deeper imbalances that had taken root inside his body.
As a mom, I’d done everything I thought I was supposed to do. And yet here I was, faced with some hard truths about how the traditional ‘standard of care’ had failed my child. In the years that followed I dedicated myself to learning more about the human body, and what I found changed the course of not just my son’s life, but my own life, too. Bobby is doing great and will soon begin his college basketball career, while I’ve found a renewed sense of energy to replace the sluggishness and depression that I used to blame on getting older.
Today, through my work as a certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition coach, I share what I’ve learned with parents and children of all ages and backgrounds. And because I previously enjoyed a long and successful career in project management, my skill set is well-suited to the strategic analysis and methodical problem-solving this work calls for. I’m empathic, passionate, detail-oriented, and fully focused on delivering success however you define it.
Taking a proactive approach to health and wellness can be a life-changing decision, and whether you’re ahead of the curve or finally getting around to addressing a chronic condition, it’s never too late to make positive changes. I know because I’ve seen it — and lived it — myself.
- Debbie Thompson

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) is a methodology used to recover and maintain the best health possible. We investigate underlying causes of unwanted conditions including lifestyle, the environment, and individual weak links in metabolism. FDN is a fundamental way of looking at health and a type of detective work that seeks to identify and correct the underlying causes and conditions that lead to people's health complaints.
How is this different from other health coaches and practitioners?
As Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) practitioners, we use functional lab tests to identify and eliminate HIDDEN stressors that weaken vitality and wellness. These hidden stressors are found in the hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy, and nervous systems. Once identified, we correlate the hidden stressors with each client’s health history and concerns. We collaborate to create a workable, custom-tailored plan for eliminating stressors while establishing lifestyle practices to build health. FDNs call this coaching down metabolic chaos while coaching up function.
FDNs focus on the causes of dysfunction in the body, rather than symptoms and diagnoses. We view the causes of health challenges as upstream sources of dysfunction. Symptoms (the result of dysfunction) are downstream. Would you build health and energy by clearing the upstream source or the downstream results? We believe the only way to true health and optimal energy is by clearing the upstream causes.
Ready to chat? The best way to start a conversation is right here: