Your family’s path to true health starts here.
By learning more about how the human body reacts to certain foods, toxins, and supplements, we can help our families — and ourselves — live in balance.
We give our kids lots of things — sometimes whether they want them or not. That includes physical traits like hair or eye color, as well as mannerisms and personality quirks. We teach them life skills and life lessons. We introduce them to good music and hope some of it sticks.
But by far, the best gift a parent can give their child is health and wellness. There is no substitute for essential, health-building nutrition, and there is no making up for missed developmental milestones. Ensuring your children grow up with strong minds and bodies boosts their immunity, their confidence, and better prepares them for life.
Optimal Health
Americans have never been as simultaneously undernourished and overmedicated as we are today… but not every malady requires a prescription or a scalpel.
Optimal Energy Now is grounded in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN), which is more preventive than the modern healthcare model. By restoring function to the body, symptoms are reduced or eliminated more naturally.
The Myth of
for Kids
Much of what gets passed down from one generation to another as fact is actually quite harmful.
From the misunderstood ‘benefits’ of dairy to the popular multivitamins that legally include cyanide and beyond, this short video shines a light on three common health myths every parent (and every person) should know.
Resource Center
Whether you’re ready to take the next step in your family’s journey to true health, or are still building up the momentum to get there, information is power.
Visit the OEN Resource Center and find answers to frequently asked questions — or dive deep into our reservoir of recommended books, articles, videos, and more.
About the Optimal Approach
I’m here to guide you through a proven, science-based approach to optimizing nutrition for yourself and your children.
Whether you’re ready to sprint or are just looking to start with baby steps, I’ll remove your sense of overwhelm by distilling the most relevant information into an action plan that’s meaningful, easy to understand, and tailored to fit your comfort level.
No confusion. No misinformation. No time wasting.